6 Local Marketing Lessons Learned At Comic-Con

What can local business marketers learn from San Diego’s largest convention? Columnist Greg Gifford explores.

Excelsior, fellow local search fans! I was lucky enough to attend Comic-Con in San Diego a few weeks ago. About half of the massive convention center hall was populated by toy and comics vendors, so the room was full of local businesses.

If you’ve read any of my past columns here, you know I’m pretty obsessed with local SEO — so, as I walked the massive convention center floor, I couldn’t turn off my marketing brain.

Now, the comic book geeks out there are thinking, “But Greg, comics sell online, so it’s just e-commerce.” But that’s the wrong way to look at things. Every one of these vendors has an actual physical location where they do business with customers. Many of the vendors we talked to were based in southern California, but there were vendors from all over the country.

The big movie studios spent tons of money on their marketing efforts, but the comics vendors almost didn’t seem to care. I couldn’t even count the number of vendors that didn’t have a URL or phone number on their signs.

As I cringed time and time again at the marketing mistakes and huge missed opportunities, the post you’re reading right now began to take shape.

These comic book vendors were marketing to a captive audience — and an audience that is 100% likely to convert and buy something. Furthermore, many comic book fans like to buy their books from a local store, but these vendors were doing nothing to help rope in any potential long-term customers.

This was a perfect metaphor for event marketing for other small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), and I see the same mistakes at the local events that vendors were making at Comic-Con. If you’re a sponsor at a golf tournament, or a 5k, or any local event, you’re in exactly the same boat. You’re there because you want to get more awareness for your business so you’ll build your customer base.

Whenever you’re marketing to a captive audience, you need to maximize your opportunities for capturing future customers. Here are a few examples of the local marketing missteps I saw at Comic-Con this year:

Local SEO lessons from ComicCon - make sure your site has a good design and UX

Another toll-free number. Awesome. Just like every other vendor I checked, this guy’s site isn’t mobile friendly. Worst of all, GeoCities called and wants its design principles back.

Local SEO lessons from ComicCon - put your social URLs on your business cards

We were planning on trying to stand in line and get one of the exclusive Comic-Con toys, and this vendor heard us talking about it. His sign simply said “Matt’s,” but he offered to buy any of the exclusives we were able to get. He handed us his card so we would remember where his booth was. He’s got a local area code and a website address (not mobile friendly, again), so the local signals were in place. But why the heck would you put a “thumbs up us on Facebook logo” on your business card? If he wanted likes, he should have listed his Facebook page’s URL.

Local SEO lessons learned at ComicCon

Local area code number? Check. Address and URL? Check. I pulled up the site and stared. It’s just a single page site with a banner and his address on it. There’s a skyscraper banner on the right side, and I happened to mouse over it and see that it was clickable. It took me over to his eBay store — but if I hadn’t accidentally moused over it, I never would have known! Plus, with no content on his site, he’s never going to rank.

Posted in Marketing