SEOmoz Interview with Dr. Garcia

Came across a nice interview that Rand from SEOchat did today with Dr. Garcia (orion), a moderator on SEW forums and one of the SEO/SEM industry most well known experts on search engine technology and IR (Information Retrevial). He has been someone who came into this industry to help educate us heathens on the particulars of the search technology we only had a partial understanding of. Through his brilliant posts and amazing insights more and more experts have begun to understand our field even better than before. I had the great oppourtunity to meet him while in New York and I was delighted to see Rand did a great interview with him about many of the topics he discussed before.

Rand covers some good topics everything from �on-page� optimization via linearization, co-occurrence theory, he goes on to ask about underappreciated issues of SEO/SEM, major trends in the way search engines rank pages, shifts towards greater or lesser use of things like PageRank or link popularity, practices of buying and selling links, and much more.

If you are looking for your daily dose of salt or just care to brush up on some important topics currently in the search technology.


Posted in SEO